Adoption Can Save Children from Harsh Reality

Children are the blessing of God, but when a child is orphaned due to certain unfortunate circumstances, they are usually exploited by the world. It is here the concept of adoption comes to relevance.

Sanctity of Life has made it its mission to save the lives of such unfortunate orphaned children due to various circumstances.

There is acute poverty in the Democratic Republic of Congo because of decades of violent conflict. As a result, there is widespread poverty, disease, and also orphan children can be found in this nation. According to the data projected by UNICEF, the number is estimated to be as high as 4 million children without families.

The profound loss these children face, having lost their families, underscores the critical importance of family protection.

The United Nations emphasizes a child’s right to a family as a fundamental human right. For many of these orphans, international adoption represents the sole avenue toward securing a family and a hopeful future.

Healing or ‘hostage taking’?

Amid increasing challenges in international adoption, advocates in the U.S., Australia, and other nations are advocating the relaxation of restrictions. The Director of the Child Advocacy Program at Harvard Law School, who was adopted from Peru in the 1980s, acknowledges the potential for abuse in every human endeavor.

Critics contend that the demand for adopting children from developing nations can contribute to unscrupulous practices, where families are deceived or coerced into relinquishing their children.

This pattern repeats across multiple countries, highlighting concerns about ethical adoption practices and the need for careful scrutiny in international adoption processes.

Corruption permeates various facets of life globally, with government stability not guaranteeing ethical conduct in any industry. Depicting international adoptions as universally tainted by corrupt agencies and uninformed parents oversimplifies the issue.

Corruption exists across adoption domains, as it does in domestic adoption, finance, healthcare, and diverse sectors. Generalizing adoption challenges overlooks nuanced realities and unfairly portrays adoptive parents.

Acknowledging corruption’s presence across industries emphasizes the need for vigilant scrutiny and reform, ensuring ethical practices prevail universally, irrespective of geographical or sectoral boundaries.

The adoption number is declining

Misleading narratives about corruption in international adoption may dissuade prospective adoptive parents, contributing to a significant decline.

In 2004, nearly 23,000 children were adopted internationally by Americans, contrasting with fewer than 8,000 in 2013. This stark drop, equivalent to approximately 15,000 children annually, reflects a troubling trend.

Addressing misconceptions and promoting transparent, ethical practices in international adoption is crucial to reversing this decline and ensuring more children find loving families.


In light of the severe difficulties posed by the orphan crisis, organizations such as Sanctity of Life are essential in providing vulnerable youngsters with hope and support. Although the drop in international adoptions is concerning, it also highlights how urgently a balanced viewpoint is needed.

Recognizing the complexities and potential for abuse, advocates call for careful scrutiny and ethical reforms rather than a wholesale restriction. Balancing the noble mission of providing children with families against the imperative of safeguarding against corruption is key.

Fostering transparent, responsible adoption practices globally ensures that every child’s right to a loving family is honored and protected.

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